Sleep apnea is a medical condition affecting millions of people across the world. It can occur to anyone in any age group. This disorder may cause serious complications like poor day schedules, mood swings, heart attack risk, heart stroke and drowsiness during the day. People who suffer from this condition don't recognize that they have this condition even if they are experiencing troubled sleep at night.
Individuals affected with this condition often wake up throughout the night due to less supply or absence of oxygen while breathing. When patients with sleep apnea awaken, their normal breathing gets restored. However, the patients are unable to wake up. Sleep apnea bouts can continue because patients suffering from this problem do not realise or become awake enough to recognize that they have been waking throughout the night. One can experience breathing issues several times during the night.
Yes, sleep apnea is a dangerous and life-threatening condition causing different complications like heart damage and heart failure.
Yes, it is curable, but in some cases, it might be a life-long condition. It is important to manage the condition by making significant lifestyle changes and taking medications as prescribed.
Yes, according to a study, asthma can cause regular snoring, excessive sleepiness during the daytime and apnea.
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